Birchwood: 25 Years of Belonging

One of the most unique places that NZCL has the privilege to care for just celebrated 25 years of service to its community. On the almost-rural outskirts of Ōtautahi Christchurch lies Birchwood, a familiar place of belonging for a group of individuals supported by NZCL and other organisations across the region.

Birchwood has evolved over the years with a varying range of activities and offerings, but one thing has remained constant throughout: a focus on providing a space where disabled people can find joy, satisfaction, and the freedom to be themselves.

Birchwood is born

Birchwood was the brainchild of Graham Taylor and David Isitt of NZCare (NZCL’s direct predecessor), who saw that in the wake of Templeton Hospital’s closure, there was a need for a for a spacious, safe, and engaging place for former residents who were now living in the Christchurch community. At Birchwood farm there was enough space for people to spend time away from others when they needed it, and meaningful outdoors work to do.

Today, more than 25 years later, most of the former Templeton residents who first graced Birchwood with their presence are still coming along to enjoy the unique atmosphere and offerings of this special place. And while Birchwood is run by NZCL, it’s open to all who need it.

A space to be yourself

Birchwood Farm has offered many activities and opportunities for the Christchurch disabled community over the last 25 years, including a petting zoo, woodworking, tool training, tractor rides, livestock raising, horticultural activities, and more. Today, Birchwood focuses on food creation, responding to an environment where many are struggling with the cost of living by growing produce which is then distributed to the disabled community, their families, and Birchwood staff.

But Birchwood offers the Christchurch disabled community much more than just activities. This is a safe place for people to truly be their own unique self. Individuals are free to explore, sing, run, jump around, and just generally express themselves freely in an environment that gives them plenty of understanding and space. The familiarity of returning to a much loved place over the years (or in many cases even decades) is also a huge positive for a lot of people in Birchwood’s community.

25 years of belonging

The NZCL team decided to mark Birchwood’s quarter-century anniversary with a celebration involving staff and those from the disabled community who had come to know and love this place over the years, featuring food, art, games and more.

The week started with a prayer and blessing, followed by a moving kapa haka performance by members of Birchwood’s disabled community. After speeches from team leaders about their time at Birchwood Farm and how it had transformed over the years and a beautiful time of mingling between staff, community members and the people we support, everyone sat down to share a delicious hangi. Once people had enjoyed the wonderful kai, there were some fun games before moving on the to the final event of the evening: an art expo. Art pieces were submitted by both the Birchwood staff and community, with prizes given and a winner crowned.

As Birchwood’s community turns from a celebration of the past to looking towards the future, we hope that this unique and beautiful place will continue to serve those who need it most for another 25 years and beyond.

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